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Mir Hassan Library

The USKT library has a collection of a total of 3000 plus books; 10 regular subscribed magazines and journals; and a number of movies and documentaries There is an extensive list of E-books in the USKT library available for faculty and students which includes 41800 books from E-library & 7705 Springer E-books, facilitated through HECs online library portal.All users from faculty, staff or students, are encouraged to make full use of the available resources. The library has acquired vast variety of hardbound volumes and reference material on the subjects such as Business, Marketing, HRM, HRD, Management , Finance, Economics, Research, Computer Science, Mathematics, Bio-Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Social Sciences, English, Urdu, Islamic Literature, Pakistan Studies, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Atlases, Year Books, Handbooks, etc.


The purpose of this directory is to provide the users a platform where they can get information about libraries of those universities which are recognized by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. The directory is unique as it provides links to the HEC recognized universities and their libraries. The library is serving its community with up to date information through different sources including digital library, online research journals, periodicals, etc.

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NewsPaper & Digital Resources

University of Siakot, Central Library subscribe number of Newspapers Fresh issues are displayed on Newspapers section & Strictly not allowed to be borrowed, but photocopy & Scan of the required articles is allowed under the rules.

The subscribed newspapers are Daily Express Tribune, Daily Business Recorder, Daily News, Daily Nation, Daily Dawn, Daily Duniya (Urdu), Daily Jang, Daily Express and Daily Khabrain

Six computer systems with internet connectivity are available in the library. Digital Library contains various e-resources (video lectures, e-books, Journals etc.) in the disciplines of Management Science, Informatics and Social Sciences & Humanities. Campus has access of HEC Digital Library.

Library Collection

The collection of USKT libraries exhibits the needs of modern day world. It is a combination of Oriental and European languages covering classical and emerging disciplines. Within few years the collection of the library has grown up to 131,000 books besides number of Newspapers and periodicals. This collection deals with Natural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Physical sciences, Engineering, Technology, Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering, Humanities, Arts, Design, Architecture, Social Science, Management and administrative Sciences. The number of books and subjects are continuously increasing in USKT libraries with the passage of time. The library has open shelves collection with vide range of books, Audio-Visual Material, CDs, Data Bases, Newspapers, National and International Journals / Magazines, Thesis, Projects, etc. The facility of more than 30,000 online research journals / Magazines and more than 10,500 books on different subjects through HEC Digital Library Program, is also accessible here at Lahore.

Library General Rules

  • The member shall have to follow the USKT Libraries Rules and Regulations-2016 and all other policies or instructions notified by the USKT.
  • USKT ID cards shall be displayed by the library member while entering the library.
  • It is essential to bring USKT I.D.Card for borrowing books. The member will be responsible for any book borrowed on his / her Card.
  • Members must inform the library of any change in their phone number(s), I.D.No or email addresses.
  • Eating, drinking, gossiping, shouting, sleeping, smoking, mobile discussions and any action that may cause disturbance or damage to the library material shall not be tolerated in any case.
  • Students must maintain absolute silence inside the library premises.Group discussions and lecturing in loud voice are not allowed in reading halls.
  • Damage to any library material shall be quantified by the Librarian concerned, and the member shall have to pay the same through bank.
  • Mobile phone is allowed, but it must be in silent mode and member will not attend his/ her call inside the library. However, SMS is permitted as long as it does not disturb other Library users.
  • Students are advised not to write on, tear off, or deface library material(books, furniture etc.) by ballpoint, marker, pen, pencil knife etc. Moreover, Library staff can inspect any in use library material at any time.
  • If the book of multivolume set is damaged or lost, the member concerned shall have to replace the whole set or pay the cost of the entire set along with PKR 100/= (one hundred) per book as library processing fee.
  • In case of loss of any library material, the member shall have to provide the same from the market along with PKR100 /= (one hundred) as library processing fee or shall have to pay two times of the current price of the lost material.In case the price is other than Pak Rupees the current exchange currency rate shall be determined by the librarian concerned.